How to Ensure Secure Data When Sending Personalized Videos at Scale

How to Ensure Secure Data When Sending Personalized Videos at Scale

How to Ensure Secure Data When Sending Personalized Videos at Scale  

Personalized sales videos are engaging, easy to make, data-driven, compliant, secure and scalable, driving conversions and a better ROI.



Businesses have an amazing opportunity to directly engage customers by leveraging their data, but it’s not without its sticking points. 

People continue to worry whether companies prioritize profits over privacy, despite the wide range of regulations to address these concerns. So to satisfy both customers and compliance, businesses need to be more diligent than ever about protecting data. We’ve all seen the PR nightmares when data gets leaked, hitting brand reputations and bottom lines alike. 

So, how do you securely leverage customer data to communicate with people directly – and at scale? 

As we’ll see, interactive personalized video (IPV) not only lets you create an exceptional digital experience for existing and new customers but leading IPV platforms have discovered an ingenious way to do it all ultra securely! 


What is personalized video? 

A top-shelf IPV platform creates a different video experience for each customer without having to create a new video each time. It does this by automatically integrating customer data into a video template to personalize the content with contextual information directly relevant to the customer. 

With eye-grabbing content tailored to a customer’s life circumstances, pain points, and buying journeys, personalized video informs and entertains in ways other media cannot, boosting engagement and building an authentic customer connection that nurtures trust and loyalty. 

The best part?  All of this can be done at scale and then disseminated through large-scale distribution channels to reach customers at all the right touchpoints.  

The whole world is watching  

Sending the right message to the right person at the right time is incredibly powerful, but marketers are still expected to comply with consumer privacy regulations, which include, amongst others: 

  • GDPR (Europe’s General Data Protection Regulations) 
  • CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) 
  • LGPD (Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados) 
  • POPI (South Africa’s Protection of personal information), to name a few.  

With increased scrutiny should come better processes, and companies need to build robust best practices for data security directly into their digital properties and marketing plans. 

Doing this becomes even more critical in an age of personalized marketing.  While a powerful tool, personalization in a cloud-based environment puts sensitive business information at risk of being improperly handled. 

Getting it right – the balance between security and personalization 

Customer data gives IPV its power but also introduces a messaging and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) compliance risk for companies operating under stricter data governance regulations. 

Typically, less advanced platforms create personalized videos by packaging your customer data – normally safe in your company’s server, behind your corporate firewall – and sending it out to a third-party service, where it is first rendered in their cloud-based tools before individual video files are sent to each customer to view. 

This means the third-party (and its cloud setup) accepting your data needs to be already secured and vetted to comply with your company’s regulatory requirements. And for many organizations, especially in industries like healthcare or finance, the process of letting data leave the safe confines of their corporate database is time-consuming and laborious.  

Yes, getting the security and privacy of personalization right reduces time to market, enshrines security and privacy at the heart of your company’s value proposition, boosts customer satisfaction, and reduces the likelihood of regulatory fines. 

But getting it wrong slows time to market for new applications, constrains remarketing and consumer-data collection, results in significant fines, or—worse—damages brand reputation through negative customer experiences. 

So, how do you get the benefits of both personalization and full security? 

A new way forward   

For those wanting to take advantage of the benefits of IPV but are struggling to accelerate data delivery amid mounting data security concerns, the answer lies in “no-touch data”. 

Developers at leading IPV platforms have found a way to never touch customer data when creating personalized videos using a lighter and faster method of rendering personalized videos directly on a customer’s device, all in real time.   

]This works by transferring data directly from your company’s database to a landing page on your company’s website. And clicking on this landing page lets a customer see their personalized video which gets rendered securely on their device. 

This means the data never traverses an unsecured cloud because it never leaves the corporate firewall. Not only do on-device rendering and no-touch data result in faster marketing campaign deployment so you can accelerate your scaling, but it makes harmful third-party cloud data breaches impossible.  

No touch, no fuss 

While it’s impossible to leverage personalized videos without detailed customer data, how you secure that data is just as important as your strategy to use it.  

Personalized video builds a deep trust with customers, which otherwise could disappear with just one simple – but often expensive – data breach.  

When best-in-class IPV platforms can offer a game-changing feature like on-device rendering alongside pre-approved scripts, compliance monitoring and other security measures, you know that sales and marketing teams are always on brand and following regulations – while still taking advantage of the power of interactive personalized video to instill customer confidence and scale growing business needs. 

How can we help you increase digital engagement?

Personalized Video

Transform ordinary data into compelling videos that motivate your customers or clients to take the desired action. No video production experience required.

Digital Experiences

Turn lacklustre campaigns and websites into sizzling marketing tools that increase conversion rates and boost ROI. Our marketing experts know how.

Strategy and Consulting

Revitalize your digital presence into a CX powerhouse. With our expertise in industry best practices, competitive review insights and technical wizardry, we’ll make it happen.

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